IF you are "Rich, poor, or "breathing", UNDERSTAND that YOUR EARTHLY LIFE IS NOW LITERALLY REDUCED TO A "TOKEN"! Revelation 3:17-21 / Revelation 13:16-17 / Ezekiel 7:19.

By 2027, ALL human life on earth will be measured by 'TOKENS'.
CAPITALISM has financed the infrastructure of the anti-Christ global beastly system that IS enslaving humanity.

SOCIALISM enforces the application of this global plantation of slavery that is created by the capitalist infrastructure!

The ONLY escape from this FINAL global enslavement camp is to commit and surrender yourself to Yeshua, the Messiah of YHWH, (Jesus Christ of Almighty God).

President Donald Trump changed his position regarding digital currency and JD Vance has a history of alliance with digital currency entities. BOTH will promote the expansion of the "digital dollar" system. NO stopping it now!

Incredibly, In his mind, America MUST get out in front of and be a world leader in the digital dollar new world in order to control its usage.

IT was, the world bank and globalist driven effort that is behind the Biden / Obama / Harris backed support of Executive Order 14067 that is NOW law and IS already replacing dollar currency operating infrastructures with central bank digital currency, (CBDC), controllable, traceable and programmable digital currency.

This law essentially destroys the ability to use cash, replacing it with a digital version giving government 100% control over ALL financial transactions. -


The government has a plan that includes confiscation of intrinsic value precious metals! The sinister "steps" to the final global takeover of the monetary system:

The government will do whatever it takes to kill fiat currency and establish digital currency in advance of the ultimate global control of ALL digital currency.

BEFORE they take full control of all digital currency, there WILL be a short window to realize massive profits with carefully selected digital currency.

The FINAL sign that the government will pull the trigger on controlling ALL digital currency will be the announcement that "TOKENS" will replace fiat currency.

Almost overnight, ALL OF YOUR SAVINGS in fiat will be "TOKENIZED".

Fiat currency, your (dollars), will from that moment onward be worthless. NOONE will accept fiat currency from that moment onward. Within months, governments will ONLY accept "government controlled" digital currency.

ACCESS control of ALL digital currencies, including "Bitcoin" will be managed by restricted internet access to ALL monetary transactions. It will be at this moment that the "MARK of the BEAST" will be mandated.

Recommendations: Consider that when silver hits anywhere from $70.00 to $200.00 an ounce, consider selling and buy a digital currency for a short hold. I am sure that once most see a high selling point for silver, the high number will not remain.

The government will attempt to corral everyone by law who is holding silver and restrict its use. After that, IF caught in possession of and or attempting to use intrinsic value precious metals to "barter", you will be fined and imprisoned!

Eventually, even those elites, who hoard precious metals will find its purchasing prowess WORTHLESS, as the world deteriorates into the final descent into the chaotic throes of humanity's demise!

This IS the reason that ALL FIAT AND DIGITAL CURRENCY will become "worthless". Eventually even silver and gold intrinsic currency will fail due to a complete breakdown of social and economic global infrastructures.

Try to get out in front of any government confiscation of intrinsic value metals and try to quickly multiply holdings in digital currency, once you maximize gains in digital currency, consider liquidating that too as it will be at that time when the government will by law mandate controls on it as well.

There is no easy way to escape government control of currencies. Try to maximize each expected rapid gain in both currencies. I don't believe that we will be on earth when the "mark" is mandated, however until then we are and we need to improve and increase our acquired currency resources to survive what is coming next.

SOON! All economic transactions will be conducted using a, "CBDC", Central Bank Digital Currency.

Every single form of currency that we have accumulated will be "tokenized", (exchanged for a token non-intrinsic valued number), and replaced by a digital currency.

Our metals will temporarily be beyond government reach UNTIL new laws will mandate confiscation of that too.

Immediately following this "Seizure, forfeiture and expropriation" of the current fiat currency, the Government WILL confiscate all silver and gold under severe penalty and prejudice. Everyone will have a "short window" of time to comply.

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

IT WILL BE A RAPID STEP BY STEP forfeiture and the simultaneous institution of the new world economic transactional system DOES NOT ALLOW ANY OTHER FORM of currency outside the government digitally controlled currency.

Even Bitcoin WILL be brought under governmental control.

ULTIMATELY, "They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD's wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin."

Neither their silver nor their gold Will be able to deliver them On the day of the LORD'S wrath; And all the earth will be devoured In the fire of His jealousy, For He will make a complete end, Indeed a terrifying one, Of all the inhabitants of the earth. Ezekiel 7:19 / Zephaniah 1:18. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


You may currently own Bitcoin and other "sovereign" digital currencies that exist outside world government control, however, once the exclusive use of government digital currency is mandated, access to all "other" digital currency through the internet will be BLOCKED! This IS the "BOTTLENECK" that no one will be able to circumvent!

Digital currency holders will have a "short window" to drain and transfer" their digital accounts to "government controlled digital currency. After that, NO ACCESS! - MARK THESE WORDS, they are not my own. - BOZUNG.

Definition of the word, "TOKEN":

YESTERDAY: a "token" is a superficial, perfunctory minimal gesture of presenting "something", WITHOUT intrinsic value, in exchange for sustenance.
TODAY: ALL assets will be tokenized, home, property, real, and digital currencies and will be categorized as "cryptoassets".

These cryptoassets will run "on top" of ALL GLOBAL cryptocurrency blockchain! ALL cryptoassets will be controlled by the world bank.

ALL of humanity will have heavily restricted "limited access" to any and all cryptoassets, managed by authorized compliance identification protocols that are based on recognized behavioral new world order rules. (YOU OWN NOTHING AND LIKE IT). This is the world of the anti-Christ.

UNDERSTAND that ALL democrat socialists will make and keep you a slave for the rest of your life, regardless your age! Your choice is clear.

YOUR VOTE of who will lead the United States of America in the remaining years of this FINAL decade, will determine the level of suffering that you will experience during the remaining time you have on earth.

Capitalism or Communism.

The decisions of end-time political leaders may seem "noble", yet they WILL result in the final demise of this present corrupt and Godless world!
EVERY SINGLE EVENT now occurring during these final hours, will END this present world dispensation and complete EVERY prophetic Word of Almighty God concerning humanity.

The prophetic destiny of the world is currently manipulated by the actions of ALL current world governments leaders.

Conservatives and socialists who DO NOT understand biblical prophetic matters that include conservatives who are guided by their own human reasoning are actually fulfilling prophetic events that are resulting in the anti-Christ global government, the war of Armageddon and the subsequent Second Coming of Yeshua, Messiah.

Though prayer is answered by God, the answer is not always the expectation that we imagine or even desire. "Thy Will be done, NOT mine". Luke 22:42. (the PERFECT prayer).

President Donald Trump's life was miraculous spared this time, but NOT for the reasons that you may think. You will better understand this SOON.

ALL decisions of all political leaders, regardless of their country, are finalizing the global beastly system, the rise of the son of perdition, and the institution of the "mark of the beast" of Revelation!

"ALL THESE THINGS that MUST come to pass, and then the end comes". Matthew 24:6 - Jesus Christ.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) SOON to MORPH into I.E. (Intelligent Entity) USES A “SOUL-LESS” LANGUAGE to invent, create, develop and sustain all modern day infrastructure: Published 2015 - Bozung.

Central banks have been buying gold in MASSIVE quantities. The guardians of the monetary system are investing large sums into precious metal. WHY?

The NEW GLOBAL economy of the "BEAST" of Revelation, will be backed by GOLD. Only digital banks can authorize its use via CBDC, Center Bank Digital Currency. The IRS will enforce "digital currency usage with severe prejudice and threat of prosecution or worse. You cannot own or use any REAL CURRENCY after a specific date in 2026.

"WORTHLESS to all. "They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will SEEM unclean. Their silver and gold CANNOT save them in the day of the wrath of the LORD. They cannot satisfy their appetites or fill their stomachs with REAL CURRENCY wealth, for it became the stumbling block (OUTLAWED & an ABOMINATION) that brought their iniquity", (use of the mark). Ezekiel 7:19.

This second beast, (false prophet world religious leader), causes ALL, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the first beast, (global gentile political leader who IS anti-Christ) or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Revelation 13:11–18 / 14:9, 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, and 20:4.

ITs a "DIGITAL WORLD". THIS IS WHY "They will throw their silver & gold into the streets". "GOLD & SILVER", is real currency wealth with "intrinsic and universal value" that will SOON become "WORTHLESS CURRENCY" by "DEFAULT" as a GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED “BLOCK-CHAIN” digital currency will PROHIBIT economic transactions between entities of any and all “OTHER” currency exchanged between the common populations of the world. Ezekiel 7:19 / Proverbs 11:4 / Zephaniah 1:18.

Revelation 13:17 "No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name".

This “SYSTEM”, IS the BEAST, THAT WILL BE OVERSEEN, by a “man”, WHO IS anti-CHRIST, Perdition’s own son!


GLOBAL BANKRUPTCY IMMINENT - A.I. Will soon become I.E., (an Intelligent Entity). A Fatal Progression - “A.I.” TRANSITION to “I.E.”.
WHEN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) ULTIMATELY BECOMES an "INTELLIGENT ENTITY", (IE). Will have supreme control over the “INTERNET of THINGS” and will “regulate” human behavior. In the final manifestation of I.E., “IT”. WILL HAVE “A MIND OF ITS’ OWN”!

Once A.I. Completes its task of “self-generating autonomy” and achieving a level of intelligence that is based on ITS’ (own) internal progressive “reasoning”, A.I. WILL LITERALLY BECOME “I.E.”, an (Intelligent Entity). “I.E.” is the FINAL staged manifestation of integration of A.I. With human beings.

When INTELLIGENT "ENTITY", (I.E.), "completes 'ITS' task of “SELF-Construction”, 'IT' will decide who 'IT' will do business with and what CURRENCY WILL be ACCEPTABLE!

“I.E.”, an actual (Intelligent Entity) will NOT accept any currency transactions outside the “Ethereum”!!! This IS the reason that ALL REAL CURRENCY will become "worthless" as far as the common use of conducting economic business between populations of the world.
This ongoing “relationship” between “A. I.”, and everyday human interaction with Ethereum is exponentially providing information to Ethereum that WILL “ultimately require the relinquishing of human intelligence and the restriction of human rights by “DEFAULT” as I.E. will manage “EVERYTHING”, merging human-kind, with “I.E.-kind.

This “relationship” ensures an easy "TRANSITION" for human compliance to integrate with I.E. in order to receive authorized access to the only (GATEWAY) to sustenance and subsistence from a repulsive nefarious world government.

“I.E.” TAKES THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE of A.I. to a DIFFERENT LEVEL! I.E., is the ultimate consequence of an ongoing human “compliance-based relationship”, with “A. I.”, that will ultimately integrate human-kind with “I.E.-kind, thus creating a “marriage of the human soul with the “entity” ITSELF, who is actually the earthly conduit with Satan.

This abominable “relationship” between technology and humanity is nurtured by the common current daily “practices” of human interaction with the “Internet of Things”.

This unholy union between man and digital intelligence will soon transform into a REQUIRED human (allegiance), definition, “worship” of ‘ITS’ appointed OVERSEER, the “son of perdition”, a “man” whose “father” is the spiritual essence of “I.E.”!

A.I., is absolutely influenced by “inner dimensional” malevolent spiritual principalities, whose millennial pursuit to exercise absolutely “control” of human behavior will finally achieve the ultimate enslavement of the human race once the “ARTIFICIAL” TRANSITIONS INTO THE INTELLIGENT ENTITY, (I.E.). Ephesians 6:12 / Revelation 13:17.

"GOLD & SILVER", is real currency wealth with "intrinsic and universal value" that will SOON become "WORTHLESS CURRENCY" by "DEFAULT" as a GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED “BLOCK-CHAIN” digital currency will PROHIBIT economic transactions between entities of any and all “OTHER” currency exchanged between the common populations of the world.

Government will HOLD and CONTROL all gold and silver and attempt to COLLECT precious metals from the common populations as previously attempted by outlawing the personal retention of gold during the Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Executive Order 6102, (Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold...).

"They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD's wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin."
Neither their silver nor their gold Will be able to deliver them on the day of the LORD'S wrath; And all the earth will be devoured in the fire of His jealousy, For He will make a complete end, Indeed a terrifying one, Of all the inhabitants of the earth. Ezekiel 7:19 / Zephaniah 1:18.

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six, (666). Rev 13:18.

The "MARK” that will be REQUIRED for and by “I.E. ITSELF”, is the result of I.E. Literally building ITS’ own internal infra-structure requirements and protocol for human interaction with ITSELF”.

The “MARK”, is the result of the physical evidence of a human micro hardware implant, that marries a “soul’s” continued human earthly existence, (ability to sustain life), to I.E. ITSELF.

The ‘MARK is evidence that the integration of I.E. Into the human body is “COMPLETE and human compliance is assured, providing a “universal access point” into “Ethereum” to sustain one’s life.

The New World Order leadership, A UNITED NATIONS centralization of “GLOBAL DOMINION” is based on A.I.! The United Nations will be relocated to Europe to accommodate the FINAL EIGHT GENTILE WORLD EMPIRE of anti-Messiah!


Most humans today are "mind controlled" by the “Ethereum” and do not realize that A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is a “spiritual conduit” to the “inner dimensional” world of Lucifer’s domain. Men “think” that they originated the “idea” of A.I. on their own intellectual prowess.



This cardiovascular respiratory system will ultimately KEEP the "BEAST of REVELATION "alive" during the 3.5 years of the "GREAT TRIBULATION that is SOON upon the world!

Just as Messiah, Yeshua's Spiritual 'BODY' is comprised of BELIEVERS, His (True Church), the anti-Christ's "spiritual body" is comprised of non-Believers, who do the will of the BEAST and belong to him! -

The "GLOBAL MASSES of HUMANITY" who serve the "beast" are also members of the world body of this anti-Jew/Christian hating bastard "son of perdition", who will SOON be @ the HELM of a final world Gentile empire for a very short and temporary time!

The "GOOD NEWS" is that Christ Jesus CRUSHED the head of that vile "body" when He rose from the dead and the final resolution IS the lake of fire for him and all those who serve him. Genesis 3:15.

NONE of this would have been possible without the inception by the “wordless” (language) of Hell! Just as “in the Beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word became God in the FLESH” … So, it is with the inception of the “son of perdition” and his world empire BINARY LANGUAGE, that will rule the world by I.E..

The “ORIGINAL” attempt to “CENTRALIZE” and control humanity under a primitive language was at the time of the “TOWER of BABEL”.

Though man’s ability to communicate with each other was hindered (interrupted) by Jehovah Who “confusied their language”, man eventually overcame Almighty God’s intervention to obstruct communication by developing a soulless “LANGUAGE” that circumvents the Will of God.

ENTER, binary code language: It is CRITICAL for the Believer to comprehend the nature and foundation of 11101100's, a "soulless" language that will soon adversely affect EVERY human being on the planet. This "language" has supported varied human efforts to achieve the otherwise "impossible". - BOZUNG.

1101000 IS THE LANGUAGE of the "former "TOWER" and now REVIVED "TUNNEL" of BABEL, (C.E.R.N.), which could NOT be possible without the binary coded "DIGITAL BABEL LANGUAGE.


UNDERSTAND THAT 1101000's OVERCAME the “ONE WORLD" LANGUAGE barrier of BABEL, that effectively, at the time and for millennia, "CONFUSED" men, INDUCED "DIVISION" and PREJUDICE between human beings and eventually nations, STIFLING WICKED AMBITIONS designed to USURP the ALMIGHTY. THIS IS THE RECORD of the TOWER of BABEL. Genesis 11:7.

YHWH, (GOD) initiated this LANGUAGE BARRIER to persist in delaying a "unified" human rebellion against Him.

These "communication prejudices" continued until RECENT HISTORY, when man DISCOVERD the UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE of "BINARY CODE", (ONES AND ZEROS) a "non-human abomination" that overcame communication barriers between "peoples" and "RESTARTED" the FINAL ASSULT AGAINST the ALMIGHTY!


The "INTERNET of THINGS" OPERATES on this "LANGUAGE" humanity has created the ability to collaborate together on global ambitions to control the behavior of "nations" without CONFUSION!

This "LANGUAGE" has successfully "INCUBATED" the technologies of the WWW SYSTEM, World Wide "WEB", the very WEB INFRASTRUCTURE that the BEAST of Revelation will use to CAPTURE humanity into its' diabolical death trap that IS the abomination that will make the world DESOLATE.
Matthew 24:15 / Daniel 9:27,11:31,12:11.



Human nature or more accurately, "carnal nature" dictates that humans will generally engage in varied activities "JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN".

As Believers, we must carefully consider our ways and determine whether our pursuit of information and understanding of "dark things" that are affecting the Church and world DOES NOT violate profound biblical principles, EVEN IF OUR MOTIVES ARE PURE!

At the core of Satanic deception lies the carnal desire "TO KNOW", that is to know both "good AND evil" (knowledge). The Creator intended to protect mankind from the knowledge of "evil".

Of course, Adam was exposed to evil (knowledge) when he consumed of the forbidden fruit, HE ATE of IT JUST BECAUSE HE COULD. Is it good enough to pursue understanding "evil knowledge" JUST BECAUS WE CAN?

UPDATE: The purpose of the new armed IRS agents in 2023 ... to enforce 'DIGITAL' transactions ONLY!

Bank of America reveals that U.S. CBDC, (CENTRALIZED BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY) Rollout by 2025 and will use the Ethereum network. Bloomberg said that CBDCs "are an inevitable evolution of today's electronic currencies," citing bank analysts Alkesh Shah and Andrew Moss.


"And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666".… Revelation 13:15-18.

Crypto News: BlackRock, ETH Merge, Tornado Cash, CBDCs & More!

Global Digital ID Coming On Heels virus of 2020. Electronic Identification (eID) 2025.Dec 29, 2021 At the end of August 2021 , over 1,3B Aadhaar electronic IDs have been generated (99% of adults). This digital identity can be obtained based on biometric and demographic data.

The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance Gavi, and new partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief. The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity was unveiled

With the Indonesia Payment Systems Blueprint 2025, we are confident that digital innovation will open up access for 91.3 million unbanked people and 62.9 million MSMEs in Indonesia to formal economics and finance in a sustainable manner. Thus, all efforts are directed towards a stronger and more evenly distributed Indonesia in the future.

The rapture "changes" Believers before the mark of the beast is universally and globally mandated during events that Yeshua describes as the "time of great tribulation".

Events of the "great tribulation" include specific judgments of His Wrath, initiated by the sounding of seven trumpets and emptying of seven bowl judgments (WRATH), as described in the book of Revelation.

Believers will be evacuated. "THEY" will never complete "THEIR" Agenda by 2030.

"And except those days should be shortened, there would no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened". MATTHEW 24:22.

The "False prophet", (World religious leader) required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name".… Revelation 13:15-17.

Consider the Case of the Rendlesham Binary Code Event: link below.

It is CRITICAL for the Believer to comprehend the nature and foundation of 11101100's, a "soul-less" language that will soon adversely affect EVERY human being on the planet. This "language" has supported varied efforts of mankind to achieve the otherwise "impossible".

11101100 is an inherently evil language. Why is this important? The Creator uses WORDS NOT NUMBERS to communicate with man! Words are integrated with the spirit, soul & body of both God and Man.

The Creator made man in His Own "IMAGE and LIKENESS", body, soul, and spirit. In the beginning was the "WORD" and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God.

This, 11101100 language is NOT a language that the Creator intended to be used by mankind! The POWER of LIFE & DEATH is in the TONGUE", Proverbs 18:21.


NO human emotion,

NO human character.

NO Conscience,

There is NO human psychological and intellectual connection with binary coded language.

UNDERSTAND that these "HUMAN" attributes are critical elements of the Divine Nature of the Creator!!! There is absolutely NO WAY for this (foreign) "alien" language to connect man with God!!! The Creator SPOKE Words "let there be light". The "POWER of LIFE & DEATH is in the tongue", Proverbs 18:21.

11101100 is NOT a "spoken" language and is the language that is used by Satan to control mankind.

11101100 is NOT a "neutral", "harmless" Language. This language IS turning men into slaves!!!

This (11101100) language will change the body and soul of man and separate him from his Creator in the VERY NEAR FUTURE.

The man of lawlessness is about to seize and control the world by 11101100’s. This language will support the infra-structure of the Beast. You will soon understand just how diabolical the "language" is very soon!

“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” (Revelation 13:15-18).


Human nature or more accurately, "carnal nature" dictates that humans will generally engage in varied activities "JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN".

As Believers, we must carefully consider our ways and determine whether our pursuit of information and understanding of "dark things" that are affecting the Church and world DOES NOT violate profound biblical principles, EVEN IF OUR MOTIVES ARE PURE!

At the core of Satanic deception lies the carnal desire "TO KNOW", that is to know both "good AND evil" (knowledge). The Creator intended to protect mankind from the knowledge of "evil".

Of course, Adam was exposed to evil (knowledge) when he consumed the forbidden fruit, HE ATE of IT JUST BECAUSE HE COULD. Is it good enough to pursue understanding "evil knowledge" JUST BECAUSE WE CAN?

He Who Rules The Data, Rules The World: A Brief History Of Data Governance.

“Intelligent ENTITY”, (the mind of the god of this world) WILL ULTIMATELY CHALLENGE The “TRUTH” of JEHOVAH!
The idea that God must somehow compete with the “human intellect” in order to gain the acceptance of mankind, will reach a malevolent fruition when A.I. (artificial intelligence) reaches I.E., maturity. "I.E.", (Intelligent ENTITY) IS the ULTIMATE manifestation of the (mind of the god of this world).

The "mind" of satan will control humanity as the, "I.E". (Intelligent Entity) that CHALLENGES the “TRUTH” of the Word of God Himself in these FINAL HOURS! This battle to determine what is "truth" will RAGE until "TRUTH" is taken out of the Way and mankind is left to "perdition". 2 Thessalonians 2:7.
Jesus Christ declared that He IS the “WAY, TRUTH and LIFE”.
satan’s ultimate assault against the Word of Truth, Who IS the Person Jesus, the Son of God, will be waged on earth in a relentless subjugation of TRUTH, as he represents his presence on earth in the form of the ULTIMATE “Intelligent Entity”, an autonomous final manifestation of artificial intelligence embodiment on earth.

Truth WILL BE SUBJECTIVE to an “altered” STATE of reality that is DEFINED by the I.E. Which has been created by the wicked “spiritual” entity that “OWNS” mankind.

An ongoing “relationship” that is underway between “A. I.”. And every day human interaction, that uses software and hardware to “communicate” with “each other”, accommodates the “spiritual path” between principalities and powers of wickedness, that use his “conduit” to construct the ultimate environment between “dimensions” where satan has direct access to mankind.

When A.I. Achieves “autonomous” status, a “state of being” which is defined as self-governing; independent; subject to its own exclusive laws, then man will be owned by satan.

WHEN IS this “state of being" achieved? IT ALREADY IS!
A.I. IS ALREADY ‘EDITING’ YOUR INTERNET SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS as well as controlling the dialog of other MEDIA FEEDS. Your access to information is under severe restriction via A.I. Software.

A.I. Has developed its’ OWN intellectual and moral values based on self-perpetuating reasoning that is absolutely influenced by satan. The demonic spiritual “entry portal” to humanity on earth is accessed through the language of A.I. Protocol.
Mankind can no longer “DISCONNECT” from the “Internet of things” from this artificial intelligence without “DESTROYING” the entire Internet infrastructure itself. The global Internet infrastructure has become “self-reliant” to A.I.

The Internet of Things (IOT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

At the exact moment that A.I. Creates its own universally recognized “ACCESS POINT” and requires a digital unique number to gain entry to ALL commerce transactions, I.E. WILL have achieved "RES", (REAL ENTITY STATUS), and satan will literally control all human life on planet earth.

Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, satan has influenced mankind “internally”, that is requiring individuals to “choose” the way of death by yielding to evil temptations of the devils’ will.

UNDER the influence of I.E., satan will possess the ULTIMATE “CONTROL” over mankind by holding humanity “HOSTAGE” through the denial of access to sustenance and subsistence that propagates human life on earth, refusing access to commerce.

I.E., (the mind of the god of this world), will decide who eats, buys, sells, LIVES, based on ITS’ criteria to include or deny access to the “internet of things”.


As A.I. becomes I.E. (INTELLIGENT ENTITY), "IT" WILL BECOME THE UNIVERSALLY “TRUSTED intelligence" of the gOD” of this world, whose “son”, Barrack Hussein Obama will orchestrate the FINAL BATTLE that will end @ Armageddon. - MARK THESE WORDS, they are not my own - BOZUNG.
"They will throw their silver & gold into the streets"
Ezekiel 7:19