(QRC-SMs), "Quick Response Code Subcutaneous Microchips".
2027 - EVERYTHING! your house, your vehicle, your bank account, your property ... EVERYTHING will be assigned a "TOKENIZED" value directly linked to and "CONTROLLED" by a "PROGRAMMABLE" DIGITAL CURRENCY, (C.B.D.C).

Then the entire economic infrastructure system will be digitized, NO MORE FIAT CURRENCY, (paper, notes, coins etc.)!

Ultimately, an inserted mini-QR code (quick-response code) "MARK" will allow access to the "SYSTEM". A "forehead", (Eye-scan) will complete the ID tracking process, thus "NO MAN WILL BUY or SELL" without "IT"! Revelation 13:16-17.

MARK THESE WORDS ... they are NOT my own! IGNORE AT YOUR OWN PERIL. SURRENDER YOUR WILL, SOUL, BEING to Messiah, Yeshua, (Jesus Christ) to SAVE you from what is upon us! "COME QUICKLY ADONAI YESHUA" Revelation 22:20.


SOON! All economic transactions will be conducted using a, "CBDC", Central Bank Digital Currency. Every single form of currency that you have accumulated will be "tokenized", (exchanged for a token non-intrinsic valued number), and replaced by a digital currency.
Immediately following this "Seizure, forfeiture and expropriation" of your "wealth, the Government WILL confiscate your silver and gold under severe penalty and prejudice. You will have a "short window" of time to comply.

After that, IF caught in possession of and or attempting to use intrinsic value precious metals to "barter", you will be fined and imprisoned!

Eventually, even those elites, who hoard precious metals will find its purchasing prowess WORTHLESS, as the world deteriorates into the final descent into the chaotic throes of humanity's demise!

This IS the reason that ALL FIAT AND DIGITAL CURRENCY will become "worthless". Eventually even silver and gold intrinsic currency will fail due to a complete breakdown of social and economic global infrastructures.

"They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD's wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin."

Neither their silver nor their gold Will be able to deliver them On the day of the LORD'S wrath; And all the earth will be devoured In the fire of His jealousy, For He will make a complete end, Indeed a terrifying one, Of all the inhabitants of the earth. Ezekiel 7:19 / Zephaniah 1:18.

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding "CALCULATE" the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. This number series IS the Iconic "gateway" access to all economic interaction. This number represents the regulated and soon restricted access to the global internet, 666.

"www" is the acronym for world wide web. The Hebrew equivalent of our "w" is the letter "vav" or "waw". The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English "www" transliterated into Hebrew is "vav vav vav", which numerically is 666. This IS the global infrastructure of the Beast of Revelation and its' anti-Christ!

Using "English", this infrastructure is "calculated" as follows:

English words with the exact definition of: "discreditable" and is equal to the number 666 in the alpha numeric calculator sequence of: A=06 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W=138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156:


Some Words that calculate to 666: "number (Six hundred threescore and six).
Computer=666, Digital ID Chip=666, VeriShield=666, Mark of Beast=666, Bio-Implant=666
Jack Dorsey, (founder CEO "Square" financial payments company). Sorceries=666 Necromancy=666 Witchcraft=666 Santa Claus=666 Confucius= 666 and many more.

2025... "WHAT'S IN YOUR DIGITAL WALLET"? (QRC-SMs), "Quick Response Code Subcutaneous Microchips". "DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT"!   Identification and Authentication.

John did not understand what he saw. You are looking @ "IT" ... the "MARK" of the Beast! THIS IS THAT! Revelation 13:16-17.

YOUR CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), will use a "Digital Wallet" to "RESTRICT ACCESS" to all of your financial transactions.

a "QR", "Quick Response" code, "MARK", will be REQUIRED to "USE" your CBDC, to participate in ALL universal commerce.

Inspired by "Quick Response", (QR) code and implantable microdevices, implantable and minimally-invasive QR code subcutaneous microchips (QRC-SMs) are proposed to be an effective approach to carry useful and private information, thus enabling individual identification and authentication.

A (CHIP) in the hand and (SCAN) of the eye! BOTH USE THE World Wide Web (WWW) infrastructure to transact.

This "TWO-STAGE" DIGITAL AUTHENTICATION TO "BUY & SELL uses the World Wide Web infrastructure to transact. This new identity & financial network uses a biometric human verification scanned eyeballs registry to create a global digital ID.

Scans are underway in Britain, Japan, India. This World ID digital eyeball registry passport AND a micro-sized (QRC-SMs) Quick Response Code Subcutaneous Microchips implanted in the hand will be required to conduct all financial transactions in the near future.

The Hebrew equivalent of our "w" is the letter "vav" or "waw". The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English "www" transliterated into Hebrew is "vav vav vav", which numerically is 666.

"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark, (QRMS) on their (RIGHT HANDS) or on their (FOREHEADS - EYE SCANS), so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name". The Hebrew and Greek alphabet does not have separate characters or alphabets for numbers and letters. Letters are also used as numbers. So each letter is a numerical value. Revelation 13:16-17.

"THIS IS THAT which ye have heard", 1 John 1:3.

4 days ago - a cryptocurrency (DIGITAL CURRENCY) project launched by Open AI's CEO, Sam Altman, aims to create a new identity and financial network by using biometric verification to distinguish humans from AI systems.

LONDON/TOKYO/BENGALURU, July 25 (Reuters) - People around the world are getting their eyeballs scanned in exchange for a digital ID and the promise of free DIGITAL CURRENCY, Founded by Sam Altman, the CEO of ChatGPT developer OpenAI, will create a new "identity and financial network" using the WWW and that its digital ID will allow users to, among other things, prove online that they are human, not a bot.

The project launched on Monday, with eyeball scans The project has started the global rollout of its services, with eyeball scans taking place in countries around the world including Britain, Japan, and India. Users will receive a World ID that proves they are a real and unique person and can be used as a global digital passport.

This passport will be used in conjunction with a micro sized (QRC-SMs), "Quick Response Code Subcutaneous Microchips" implanted in the hand.

QR codes can be read easily by any digital device with scanning capabilities, such as a smartphone. When scanned, the required data is extracted from patterns that are present in both horizontal and vertical components of the image.

These codes can hold URLs, coupons, event details, and other information that people might want to access instantly or refer to later. You'll often find QRs on direct mail, signage, billboards, or products and soon a micro version (QRs) will be implanted in the human hand allowing for rapid financial transactions.  "FEDNOW" ... FED NOW!



CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), will use a "Digital Wallet" to "RESTRICT ACCESS" to all of your financial transactions.

a "QR", "Quick Response" code, "MARK", will be REQUIRED to "USE" your CBDC, to participate in ALL universal commerce.

(QRC-SMs), "Quick Response Code Subcutaneous Microchips".

Inspired by "Quick Response", (QR) code and implantable microdevices, implantable and minimally-invasive QR code subcutaneous microchips (QRC-SMs) are proposed to be an effective approach to carry useful and private information, thus enabling individual identification and authentication.

QR code is a two-dimensional (2D) barcode. It consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background. Imaging devices such as smartphone cameras can be used to read and interpret these codes.

QR code was created in 1994 by Denso Wave, a Toyota subsidiary, to assist in the manufacturing process by tracking vehicles and parts.

Efforts were made to enhance the barcode technology to facilitate increased information storage, and after various modifications, QR code took shape.

QR code is a two-dimensional (2D) barcode. It consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background. Imaging devices such as smartphone cameras can be used to read and interpret these codes.

2D QR codes, on the other hand, have an additional dimension in which information can be written and scanned, thus increasing its data-storage capacity.

2D QR codes store data horizontally and vertically and can be read from any angle, making them more flexible.

2D QR codes are also known to be more secure and prone to fewer errors. As mobile penetration increased, the initial push for QR code in payment services came from market players as a way to exchange the information required to initiate and/or receive payments.

2D QR codes differ from traditional one-dimensional (1D) barcodes primarily with respect to their information storage and flexibility components.

Barcodes are scanned horizontally, so the data that can be stored is limited to the single dimension.

2D QR codes are also known to be more secure and prone to fewer errors. As mobile penetration increased, the initial push for QR code in payment services came from market players as a way to exchange the information required to initiate and/or receive payments.

QR codes are used either to convey the account details of payees, or for payers to convey their payment account details to the payee. In the former case, once the information is captured, a credit transfer to the payee is initiated. In the latter case, a request to pay (RTP) is initiated by the payee.

Implantable Qr Code Subcutaneous Microchip Using Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Microscopy for Secure and Convenient Individual Identification and Authentication.
QR codes are used either to convey the account details of payees, or for payers to convey their payment account details to the payee.

In the former case, once the information is captured, a credit transfer to the payee is initiated. In the latter case, a request to pay (RTP) is initiated by the payee. Implantable Qr Code Subcutaneous Microchip Using Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Microscopy for Secure and Convenient Individual

RapidIdentity Authentication Policies - Best Practices:
RapidIdentity Cloud provides dynamic end-user authentication methods to support a secure, seamless digital ecosystem focused on learning outcomes. Authentication can be tailored to the needs of individual end users. Students, teachers, and administrators can each authenticate securely with a single login policy that is appropriate for their needs and risk levels.

Authentication Overview:
Multi-step authentication: A user is required to use two or more of the same factor.
Note: While this option is more secure, it is not the most secure. However, it is more appropriate in K-12 education for younger learners for true MFA.

Two-factor authentication: user is required to use two different factors.
Multi-factor (MFA) authentication: user is required to use three different factors. This is the most secure.

Device authentication depends on the environment being used, and can use Federation or the RapidIdentity Windows Authentication Client to authenticate into RapidIdentity.

Authentication Factors:
Type 1: Something you know (Password, Challenge, PIN, Pictograph)
Type 2: Something you have (FIDO, TOTP, QR Code, Duo, Email, SMS, PingMe)  
Type 3: Something you are (Kerberos, Biometrics, WebAuthn)

Best Practice Gauge.  Rationale for Authentication Policies:
Passwords: Passwords are a standard practice for system access and can be effective as long as they are strong, secure, and not reused across systems. The challenge facing password use today is the high number of data breaches and end-user passwords that have been compromised but are still in use.

 Any time a user has the same username and password across multiple systems, it increases susceptibility to account compromise and data breaches. Using alternate authentication methods and two-factor or multi-factor authentication increases your district/institution's security posture.

Alternate Authentication Methods: Alternate authentication methods move away from passwords and allow more secure access to systems. Using a device, security tokens, biometrics, and other methods will grant end users secure entry to a system with a dependency on passwords.

Two-Factor and Multi-Factor Authentication: Multiple authentication methods facilitate user login while confirming user identity for the most secure access to a system. The best practice for multi-factor authentication is to require users to have all three factors: Something they have, know, and are to log in. Two-factor authentication only requires two of the three factors.

Authentication Configuration in RapidIdentity Cloud End users in RapidIdentity can be assigned one or more specific authentication methods to access RapidIdentity:

When involving a third-party software, the authentication method must be configured as applicable in both RapidIdentity and the third party as needed. (e.g., Duo, Kerberos).
Authentication methods are assigned to users within RapidIdentity Identity Store based on user attributes.

A specific authentication order can be set for end users.
Any authentication policy can have multiple methods to ensure two-factor or multi-factor authentication.

Multiple policies can apply to users to ensure there is always a method for the user to get in (for example, if a user doesn't have their phone for SMS, they can fall back to a token, challenge question, or TOTP authentication method).

Supported Authentication Methods in RapidIdentity Cloud.  Method, Description, Considerations:

Duo* Users authenticate with a preconfigured Duo account Available when Duo software is in place and configured.

Email: Users authenticate through a RapidIdentity email address. Available if personal emails are stored in RapidIdentity. This allows for authentication to an alternate Identity Provider (IdP). Available when another Identity Provider is necessary (e.g., ADFS, Okta). In this configuration, RapidIdentity is the Service Provider.

WebAuthn* Allows users to authenticate with biometrics set up through Windows Hello. Requires biometrics set up with Windows Hello, including facial scans, thumbprint keys, or PIN.
Kerberos Users authenticate with their password. Typically, available in AD environments. This will allow end users on a domain-joined computer to use the login token for authentication.

Pictograph Users can authenticate against the default image pool. By default, the user is required to select three images. Recommended for younger students, such as PreK-12 or students with special needs.

PingMe Users authenticate using the RapidIdentity Mobile client application on a mobile device. Requires mobile devices. This method enables push notifications to the RapidIdentity Mobile Client
Portal Challenge (Questions) Users authenticate with their RapidIdentity Portal Challenge Questions. Typically used for password recovery. Can also be used as an authentication Method.

QR Code When enabled, a valid, secure QR code must be CAPED. QR codes must be printed or photographed and can be scanned to gain access to the system. Recommended for Elementary students or students with special needs.

SMS Users authenticate with a code sent to their mobile device through SMS. Requires mobile devices. Recommended for teachers and staff members who are able to use SMS authentication.

TOTP Users enter a Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) code generated by an app on a device (e.g., Google Authenticator, RapidIdentity Mobile app, or Microsoft Authenticator). One of the easiest and most user-friendly methods for authentication. Requires a third-party vendor application.

Device Authentication:
With education's diverse and constantly changing user base, ease of access can be leveraged to get people used to a passwordless environment, where they can grow from - literally. As a student progresses through grades and gains more user access/risk, they could go from authentication methods that focus on ease of access (e.g., QR Code, Pictograph, etc.) to more secure methods (e.g., TOTP or FIDO tokens based on their grade level or whether they are logging in from a campus IP address). These are just two examples of contextual policies that should be considered.

In 2020 many major public learning institutions started seriously pursuing university, district, and even statewide MFA programs to pro-actively increase security posture and ensure consistent pricing for cyber security insurance.

Many are following the strategy of forming or leveraging an existing committee of diverse department stakeholders. In addition to this they also provide multiple workflows, and opt-in options for end users. This has become a major focus as the requirements for MFA are extending to teachers, and users that may not have institution issued resources to leverage. 
A teacher refusing to use her own cell phone to download an app administered by her employer is a common occurrence, and justifiably so, but many times it is a case by case basis.

While 95% enjoy the ease of access of using a mobile device for secure authentication. Instead of leaving the 5% unsecured, or forcing them to enroll, these institutions have provided contextual based workflows where users can leverage a mobile device with a third-party or RapidIdentity App, or personal email account to perform a multi-factor login.

Fri April 21, 2023 / Obiden administration determined to expedite development and implementation of 666G that will combine elements of AI, advanced software, cloud computing and cutting-edge semiconductor chips, that will create faster networks to support applications to control EVERY aspect of LIFE on earth, health, energy, transportation, water and agriculture.

"666G will blur the lines between the physical, human and digital worlds. Existing services will be "transformed" 666G is the network that finally delivers usage applications from the realms of science fiction".

What is 666G?
666G – as the name suggests – is the sixth generation of mobile connectivity. It’s still unclear what final form 666G will take until it is standardized, but it isn’t too early to speculate which technologies will be included and which characteristics it will have.
What is apparent is that 5G will benefit from the backend changes made to mobile networks to power 5G.

Operators have densified radio networks with more antennas so it’s easier to get a signal, especially indoors, while cloud technologies and edge computing mean data can be processed closer to users – even at a mast level so latency is much lower.
666G will build on this foundation and introduce new capabilities far beyond the limits of 5G.
How is 666G different from 5G?

The most obvious difference is speed. 666G will use more advanced radio equipment and a greater volume and diversity of airwaves than 5G, including the use of Extreme High Frequency (EHF) spectrum that delivers ultra-high speeds and huge capacity over short distances.

Whereas 4G speeds were talked about in megabit terms, and 5G will push the gigabit barrier, 666G will deliver theoretical terabit speeds. Most users will get in excess of 100Gbps, but this is still a transformational bitrate.

In terms of coverage, 666G could become ubiquitous. 666G satellite technology and intelligent surfaces capable of reflecting electromagnetic signals will deliver low latency, multi-gigabit connectivity to parts of the world where it has been too difficult or too expensive to reach with conventional mobile networks.

Remote parts of the globe, the skies, and the oceans could all be connected.

While 5G already harnesses AI for optimization, dynamic resource allocation, and for data processing, extreme-low latency of less than one millisecond and distributed architecture means 666G will be able to deliver ubiquitous, integrated intelligence.  Indeed, Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo believes 666G will allow for AI that is analogous to the human brain.

666G will also be more efficient than its predecessor and consume less power. Energy efficiency is critical for a more sustainable mobile industry because of the anticipated growth in data generation.

What will 666G be able to do?
Faster speeds, greater capacity, and lower latency will free applications from the constraints of local processing power, connect more devices to the network, and blur the lines between the physical, human and digital worlds.

Existing services will be transformed but 666G could be the network that finally delivers use cases from the realms of science fiction.

Terabit speeds will inevitably make Netflix a more enjoyable experience and FaceTime calls less painful, but ubiquitous coverage and more connected ‘things will change the way we interact with technology – and potentially the world itself.

666G will enable location and context-aware digital services, as well as sensory experiences such as truly immersive extended reality (XR) and high-fidelity holograms. Instead of Zoom calls, it will be possible to speak to people in real time in VR, using wearable sensors, so users have the physical sensation of being in the same room together.

The Internet of Things (IoT) will expand and become more advanced, providing applications with more data and more capabilities. Real-time AI could transform robotics, while the extension of 666G coverage to the seas and skies could aid connected maritime, aviation and even space applications.

And because 666G is so much more power efficient than 5G, it may be even possible for low-power IoT devices to be charged over the network – transforming the economics of mass deployments and aiding sustainability.

"Here CALLS for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666... and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17-18.
